Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kitchen update progress

I am still in the thrones of updating my kitchen.  Ever since we moved in (like 7 years ago) we have not liked the cabinets and so our first project was to make them current. We previously had the regular old builder grade oak cabinets (hello 90's!) and we finally had them painted. We could have done it ourselves and gone the divorce route but we paid a real professional to do it.  I can't find an old pic of the hideous oak, but here's the freshly painted ones:    

I've also been busy making some pinboards that I saw on Pinterest.  I absolutely love them and they were super easy to make.  I have already hung them even though I still need to paint, but it was suggested to me that I go ahead and put them where I want them and paint over the holes so I don't have to mark up my newly painted walls.  Plus then if I make a mistake I can just patch before I paint. Sounded like a good idea to me so that's what I did.  I failed to take a pic of them before I hung all kinds of stuff on them but here's some pics of the process.  I got the fabric at Hancock Fabrics.

Next up for the kitchen remodel is the paint color.  I want to paint it yellow.  We get tons of summer sun and I can't wait to see the yellow in the summer against the sun.  Instant happiness!  Here were some samples we were thinking about and ultimately I chose the one in the middle called Moonlit Yellow.  Just need to buy it and get it done.  Being realistic, it will not happen before Christmas though.  Here are the paint samples:

Next couple projects include a T- shirt shag rug that I saw on Pinterest and  DIY granite countertops  they have at all the big box stores.  I already got my husband to agree that we are doing that project this winter so hopefully we actually do.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Love the t-shirt shag rug idea! I have been thinking about doing something like that, but didn't know how to do it! Awesome!
