Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ready to work again!

Realtor cupcakes!  (Photo taken from NAR's Facebook page here)

I've been taking a small break from blogging because I have been spending too much time on Pinterest making some of those cool DIY projects!  OK OK, I've been back into Real Estate too.  It's kind of funny the attitude change I've had since the last year in regards to work.  I actually don't mind going anymore!  Let me explain.

The same week I decided to return to work after having Maxsen I had about 3 people call wanting me to be their agent. Sounds like every Realtors dream right?  Well I thought going back to work is what I was supposed to do, so I did.  I took 12 weeks maternity leave so that made Max 3 months old and I can now look back and say I was not ready. at. all. 
Who could leave this cutie???
Every new mom can attest to the fact that they are still sleep deprived at 3 months out and that was still the case with me.  I was not mentally ready and I was still physically exhausted and it was so taxing to be out and about and be putting 100% into what I was doing outside the home.  That's hard to admit because I worked for a great friend of mine but I was just not mentally there.  All I wanted was to get back to my baby and I worried about him every single minute.  Even though he was with his dad, at that early of a stage I still didn't trust anyone else with him. 

I worked off and on for the next 5-6 months and then winter rolled around and I decided I was going to take the winter off.  I just couldn't stand being away from Max and didn't want to be busy through the first holidays with him, I wanted to soak everything in.  That led to taking spring off, then summer and when fall rolled around I got a lead and I can honestly say that then I was ready to work.  I realized Max needed time with other people than myself and quite frankly, I needed adult time.  Even if it was for work.  So I closed a deal in October of 2011 and then after the new year got another lead and started working with them.  I showed them about 40 houses and didn't mind one single bit.  And that's a lot of houses! Trust me. A. LOT. OF. HOUSES.

I close that deal on Tuesday and I am kinda sad. It was nice being back into things, made me feel productive and validated me again as a career woman.  I'm ready to do some more!  It's a hard balance when you don't have set hours and never know when you are going to be working, but I have a great husband and family that supports me both working and not working so I am truly blessed there!

So it may not be snowing anymore but that's me ^ up there and I'm ready to work!