Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Superfood Smoothie

Superfood according to wikipedia: Term sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that may confer health benefits as a result.

I follow a lot of blogs and I get the best ideas from them.  One of them was for a  green smoothie.  I am totally not into fruit at all, and I don't know why because every time I end up eating it I think it's great.  I think because it's quite the hassle to clean, cut and then it goes bad before I decide I want to do all that work to eat it.  Kind of like crab legs, which I don't really like either but I digress...

I made a commitment to myself to lose some weight as well as make healthier choices for my family.  For instance, I don't allow Max to have anything that has high fructose corn syrup in it, aspartame, artificial colors and I try to limit bleached flour.  Also no sports drinks, soda, lunch meat unless its the kind free of nitrates, and no white bread.  I am in no way a health nut (I would eat chocolate for every meal if it didn't make me fat) but I just feel like these are obvious health choices that are easy to make for my family.  The less processed food I expose him to the better, and the better his eating habits will be as he grows up.

Anyway back to the superfood smoothie.  I still cannot bring myself to sit down with a bowl of fruit for a snack nor to I have the energy to cut it up for breakfast every morning, so for a mid morning snack (for Max, breakfast for me) I try and make smoothies.  I usually just do strawberry banana but I had some other fruit in the pantry from my shopping trip Monday so I thought I would mix it up and try another combo.  This is the absolute best one yet and it will be a staple for a few weeks I'm sure. 

Here are the ingredients:

5 large strawberries (organic is best)
1/2  banana
1/4 cup blueberries
somewhere between a 1/4 and 1/2 cup of Activia vanilla yogurt
handful of spinach (organic is best)
some organic 2% milk, add to your desired smoothie consistency

Put in your food processor and viola, a superfood smoothie. Spinach is a superfood, as are blueberries and yogurt.  Yogurt has been a cure all for me for years, I had a few health issues and my doc suggested yogurt and it has been amazing the difference it's made!  I swear by yogurt.

Normally I would have snapped a pic but Max and I slurped that down so fast I forgot!  So here's an old pic of a strawberry/banana smoothie I made awhile back.

Oh, and don't be scared of the spinach I swear you can't taste it! 


  1. HEY, where did you go?

  2. I know! I usually blog on the weekends and we have been going out of town since we bought the condo, there's no internet down there! I have like 6 drafts waiting to go...
